以國泰世華銀行為例: 按每張支票面額0.1%計收,最低NT$500,郵電費:NT$100
如何使用TD Amaritrade 客服,詢問自己的 Demand Deposit Account (活期存款賬戶) 帳號號碼,以便直接退稅到帳戶。
1.登入TD Ameritrade。點選 Client Services 進入Message Center。
2.選 Compose聯絡客服。Topic選client service,Inquire about選 Taxes.
3. 參考文如下,簡單描述申請DDA的動機為退稅使用。
Dear Client Services:
As a nonresident alien, I am submitting 1040NR form to IRS to request tax return.
Do you offer direct deposit service to nonresident aliens? Direct deposit is an easy way to add cash to my account. If I can get direct deposit service, the tax return can be easily added to my account.
Thank you,
隔日 收到DDA number
拿出1040NR (2014)
73b routing number填入021912915 (這是TD Ameritrade 帳號 使用別券商的投資人別填錯..)
73d填入客服給的direct deposit number
今天先分享DDA 的申請分享,有關美國退稅的心得,之後再分享給大家。
Dear Patrick
Hello.. You can request to have a Demand Deposit Account (DDA) for direct deposits and ACH transfers to your account. If you wish to do this, simply respond to this email and we will submit a request to set it up. It will take a few business days for the DDA to be set up.
If you have questions, please log on to your account and click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page, or call Banking Services at 888-723-8504, option 6. Banking Services is available from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.
Ben Houston
Client Services, TD Ameritrade
Division of TD Ameritrade, Inc.
回信表達 意願 想申請DDA 作為退稅使用
Hi, TD Ameritrade
Yes, I want to have a Demand Deposit Account (DDA) for request tax return.
Please help to set it up.
Thank you
隔日 收到DDA number
Thank you for your interest in using our direct deposit service to deposit your paycheck, pension check, Social Security payment, or any other regular payments. We've established a separate Demand Deposit Account (DDA) number that will be used to directly deposit funds into your brokerage account ending in XXXX. Your DDA number is XXXXXXXXXX DDA is valid for ACH Deposits only.
拿出1040NR (2014)
73b routing number填入021912915 (這是TD Ameritrade 帳號 使用別券商的投資人別填錯..)
73d填入客服給的direct deposit number
今天先分享DDA 的申請分享,有關美國退稅的心得,之後再分享給大家。